
Exploratory Data Analysis-Terrorism

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Exploratory Data Analysis-Terrorism


Feb 08, 2021



Project Link

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Global Terrorism Database (GTD) is an open-source database including information on terrorist attacks around the world from 1970 through 2017.

The GTD includes systematic data on domestic as well as international terrorist incidents that have occurred during this time period and now includes more than 180,000 attacks. The database is maintained by researchers at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), headquartered at the University of Maryland.

Problem Statement

Our goal is to Perform ‘Exploratory Data Analysis’ on this dataset and As a security/defense analyst, try to find out the hot zone of terrorism.


I have loaded the dataset and cleaned (preprocess) it by removing many null columns and irrelevant data using python then moved to the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Part using tableau

In EDA, I have checked which country, regions have higher in Sucessful terrorist attack, the year wise trend of the terrorist activities, Which public/private property are most attacked by the terrorists.


Tableau Dashboard


There is lots of missing values in most of the columns which makes it difficult to check all the aspects of terrorism attacks.

Also since the data is from 1970 to 2017, many countries names are has been changed so consistency issue exists (But I have tried to do the analysis as fair as possible and not missed any single aspects of the data to be invented.)


After fully exploring the data, I have suggested below recommendations:

  1. Middle East & North Africa and South Africa are the two most affected region due to terrorism.
  2. Iraq and Pakistan are the two most dangerous countries in the world by since their success rate of terrorism is high.
  3. Terrorist Activities increases from 1997 onwards and it has reached its peak at around 2014-15.
  4. Private Citizen & Property , Government and Police departments are most attacked by the terrorists.


The Defense/Security Aanalyst should/can -

  • Revise and increase their defence policy for Middle East & North Africa and South Africa Regions since they are most affected regions.
  • impose strict survilience and major alert in Iraq and Pakistan countries so that they can if find any suspicious activity happening, should take immediate actions before any harm happens.
  • provide helpline and bomb squad support for every Private Citizen & Property , Government and Police and increase its security policy to maintian the peace.

Next Steps

Defense Analyst should also took into consider the travelling activies happening in these Regions & Countries to decrease the terrorism.